Adoracja tabernakulum

Kościół Katolicki, Prawosławny, Koptyjski, Mariawici, itp.

Moderatorzy: kansyheniek, Bobo, booris, Junior Admin, Moderatorzy

Posty: 674
Rejestracja: 23 maja 2006, 12:57
Lokalizacja: Gdynia

Post autor: Wojtek37 »

adelfos pisze:Nie wierzę, że pierwsi chrześcijanie podchodzili do eucharystii w taki sposób jak teraz podchodzą katolicy.
A to niby na jakiej podstawie tak twierdzisz?. W Eucharystji zmieniły się tylko pewne formy liturgiczne , co do istoty nic się nie zmieniło, co można poczytać u Ojców Kościoła, w każdej bibliotece akademickiej. :mrgreen:
Bardzo mało modli się ten, co przywykł modlić się tylko wtedy, gdy klęczy
św. Jan Kasjan

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Posty: 229
Rejestracja: 10 cze 2007, 18:07

Post autor: KC_PZPR »

Co do istoty nic się nie zmieniło :roll: ?
To prosze o cytat z jakiegoś ojca apostolskiego, który uważał by mszę za ofiarę PRZEBŁAGALNĄ
Odpowiedział mu Jezus: Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, i życiem. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie.

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Posty: 390
Rejestracja: 09 sie 2006, 12:04
Lokalizacja: okolice Warszawy

Post autor: marcin. »

te zdjęcie jest z kaplicy luteranskiej, praktykuje sie adorację!

co do mszy jako ofiary polecam Didache

Polecam Jana Chryzostoma, Grzegorza z Nazjansu, Ireneusza z Lyonu,
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison

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Posty: 229
Rejestracja: 10 cze 2007, 18:07

Post autor: KC_PZPR »

te zdjęcie jest z kaplicy luteranskiej, praktykuje sie adorację!

Słonko, jak może być adoracja, jak w Kościele Luterańskim postacie Ciała i Krwi są obecne tylko na nabożeństwie Wieczerzy Pańskiej?

co do mszy jako ofiary polecam Didache

Polecam Jana Chryzostoma, Grzegorza z Nazjansu, Ireneusza z Lyonu
Wieczerza Pańska to ofiara dziękczynna, ponieważ Lud Boży składa Bogu Ojcu chleb i wino-jest to ,eucharystia'-dziękczynienie za zbawienie-co bardzo dobrze widać właśnie w Didache; natomiast Luter oczyścił msze ,z wszystkiego, co zalatuje (śmierdzi) ofiarą (przebłagalną)'. Dlatego też protestanci nie uznają katolickiej mszy. Często uważają też ją za bluźnierstwo i bałwochwalstwo.
Odpowiedział mu Jezus: Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, i życiem. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie.

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Posty: 390
Rejestracja: 09 sie 2006, 12:04
Lokalizacja: okolice Warszawy

Post autor: marcin. »

katolicka nauka o mszy jest taka sama jak prawosławia i kościołów przedchalcedońskich!

Nie wiem jakim cudem w zakonach luterańskich jest obecna praktyka adoracji ale jest i potwierdził mi to sam luteranin na forum
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison

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Posty: 229
Rejestracja: 10 cze 2007, 18:07

Post autor: KC_PZPR »

katolicka nauka o mszy jest taka sama jak prawosławia i kościołów przedchalcedońskich!
Ale nie taka, jak ojców przedapostolskich, no chyba, że ci późniejsi są ważniejsi i bliżej prawdy :-)

Nie wiem jakim cudem w zakonach luterańskich jest obecna praktyka adoracji ale jest i potwierdził mi to sam luteranin na forum
Bardzo proszę o nika tego luteranina
Z tego co wiem, to w KEA są diakonise, ale o zakonach mi nic nie wiadomo.
Odpowiedział mu Jezus: Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, i życiem. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie.

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Posty: 390
Rejestracja: 09 sie 2006, 12:04
Lokalizacja: okolice Warszawy

Post autor: marcin. » pisze:
Viewpoint of a Friend
A Brief History of Saint Augustine's House
by George Weckman

Lutheran Monastery
Most people have never heard of a Lutheran Monastery. Many think that there cannot be any such thing. I beg to differ. I am a supporter of just such a monastery and have written a book about its history and its reason for being. This pamphlet is an abbreviated version of some of that book, called "My Brothers' Place." Both book and pamphlet are written from the point of view of a friend, neither a monk, nor a stranger. My comments about this effort at monasticism are based on almost forty years of affiliation with the fledgling community. I have visited St. Augustine's House for at least a week most of those years and am an associate member.

Monasteries always have been surrounded by circles of friends. With varying degrees of commitment, participation, and support, these people extend the influence of the monastic community. Such friends are usually also affiliated with parishes and other religious organizations or structures. The relationship between friends and monasteries is very important both to the monastic communities and to the individual friends. Monasteries cannot exist without such friends; you are invited to become one.

Arthur Carl Kreinheder
"The Congregation of the Servants of Christ" is the formal name of the monastic community at St. Augustine's House in Oxford Michigan. It was founded by a man everyone called "Father Arthur," Arthur Carl Kreinheder. He was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on October 1, 1905. His father, Oscar Carl Kreinheder (1877-1946), was a pastor of the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church and was best known as the president of Valparaiso University in Indiana from 1930 to 1939. Arthur's mother, Hannah Coyner (1877-1971), was from the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

Arthur grew up in St. Paul and Detroit where his father served parishes. After graduation from the University of Michigan he went to work for Hudson's, a Detroit department store, in 1930. He joined the navy in 1942 and captained a ship patrolling the U.S. Atlantic coast. At war's end he returned to Hudson's and became a buyer of furs, doing over a million dollars of purchases a year by the time he left the store five years later.

In 1950 he gave up the life of a successful businessman to study theology in Lund, Sweden. As early as 1948 he had been in touch with the Protestant monastic community that was forming in Taize, France. During his time of study in Sweden he visited with the founding brothers, Roger Schutz and Max Thurian. Briefly, in 1955, he became a novice in the Community of Taize. He also hosted Brother Roger and Brother Max on a tour of the U.S. that year.

On May 27, 1956, this former businessman in his fifties was ordained a priest in the cathedral of St. Lawrence in Lund, Sweden. The ordaining bishops were the famous theologian-bishops Anders Nygren and Gustaf Aulen. Rather than being assigned to a specific parish or other church post, he was commissioned "for ecumenical work in the United States among Lutherans."

Arriving back in Detroit in June 1956 he was just in time to attend the Liturgical Institute sponsored by Valparaiso University. During that meeting people interested in monasticism as well as liturgical reform founded the Fellowship of St. Augustine, a prayer and support group to encourage the establishment of a Lutheran monastic community in the U.S. The name derives from the approval given St. Augustine's monastic community in the 16th century Lutheran confessional writings. Father Arthur's home near Oxford, Michigan, hence forward to be called "St. Augustine's House," was designated the retreat center of the Fellowship.

"The Congregation of the Servants of Christ" was established at St. Augustine's House in 1958 when some other men joined Father Arthur in observing the monastic life and offices of prayer. These men and others came and went over the years. The community has always remained small; at times the only member was Father Arthur himself. During the 35 years of its existence over 25 men tested their vocations to monastic life by living at the house for some time, from a few months to many years, but at Father Arthur's death in 1989 only one permanent resident remained.

A Quonset hut erected in 1958 has served as a chapel ever since. It is named for the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as part of a wish to restore Mary to the piety of reformation churches and appropriate to a place of worship with many visitors. It is a humble building with a small pipe organ and simple appointments. After all these years of service it is constantly in need of repair. The highest priority for the community and its friends right now is its replacement by a more adequate and dignified structure.

In July 1963 the old St. Augustine's House burned to the ground. By 1965 a new building was built. It was dedicated on Holy Cross Day 1966 by Bishop Olof Herrlin of Sweden. A plain but dignified brick structure, it had only eight small bedrooms, but large areas for lectures, meals, and meetings. It was renovated recently and some slightly larger guest bedrooms were formed by combining two of the old tiny cells. Many more people wish to stay overnight than can be accommodated. It is hoped that sometime in the future more accommodations can be made available.

By 1974 Father Arthur's formerly robust health began to fail. At this time there were a few men living at the house hoping to continue as members of the community. Father Arthur decided to escape the cold Michigan winters by spending some months in Florida each year. In Florida he first lived near St. Leo's College, enjoying good relations with the Roman Catholic priests and nuns there. In 1980 he moved to Orlando Lutheran Towers, a retirement apartment building with a large church on the top floor. Each year he returned to Michigan for the months of mild weather, but better health was sporadic; he battled cancer in 1977 and had a heart attack in 1987.

A simple building of wood was constructed in 1981, called the "Hermitage," to serve as a quiet place for Father Arthur to live during the summer. It was expanded a few years later and now serves as the "enclosure," or residence of the members of the monastic community. As soon as more than two men have made a commitment to monastic life in the community, we will need to add to this building.

At the age of 84 Arthur Carl Kreinheder died (on Friday, October 13, 1989) in a Pontiac, Michigan, hospital. He had never recovered fully form a stroke suffered in the preceding July. He is buried in the cemetery at St. Augustine's House.

Please click here to continue A Brief History of Saint Augustine's House on the next page.
Christe Eleison
Kyrie Eleison

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Posty: 229
Rejestracja: 10 cze 2007, 18:07

Post autor: KC_PZPR »

Wiedziałem, że KEA staje się coraz bardziej katolicki i zdradza reformację ale aż tak...
Mimo to ,luterańskie zakony', luterańska adoracja' to tylko sporadyczne przypadki, tak samo jak homoseksualizm w tym Kościele.
Odpowiedział mu Jezus: Ja jestem drogą i prawdą, i życiem. Nikt nie przychodzi do Ojca inaczej jak tylko przeze Mnie.


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